Tuesday, November 9, 2010

so much too much

I have so much to write about and think about that I don't know where to start and I barely get started on a piece (this just happened to me) and my thoughts get diverted to something else I perceive as more interesting, or I'll write for five minutes and am already bored with my topic. I need to learn to focus my thoughts and discipline myself to finish what I start. I have many started and unfinished projects that I think about and become overwhelmed and can't make myself finish them. I'm not sure why this is. I find it more than frustrating. And here I am, tired of writing and will just publish this just to do it and perhaps it will inspire me to work more. That's a big problem with me these days--inspiration. I also lack incentive. What's to come of any of it. I recently read an article on the therapeutic affects of writing, and I do agree with it. I've used writing as a therapy for years. It works sometimes, and others just the thought of writing an intellectual (something I have to think about) or creative (it simply flows) piece is daunting.

So that's my say for now. I need to post something here today and this is it.